SilverStone, seeking the excellence - Air Penetrator? What they’re up to?

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Air Penetrator? What they’re up to?


We have already mentioned this type of product, but what are we talking about exactly? SilverStone, always careful in finding advanced solutions for heat dissipation, have started selling in the market the new revolutionary Air Penetrator fans. This new model revolutionizes the concept of the common fan, as we are used to consider it. In particular the use of a grid placed in the direction of the air flow generates, together with the type of blades used, a twisting spiral directed toward the front of the fan itself.
Common fans without this particular solution tend to push air to the side, with a large loss of efficiency in the creation of a frontal laminar air flow. With the AP series Silverstone begun to increase the generated static pressure, making these fans the ideal partners for heatsinks and radiators. With this design, the noise level is slightly higher than in the traditional fans, and the air flow is generally lower, but the benefits are very clear in terms of general efficiency of heat dissipation. The Air Penetrator fan series are certainly among best products on the market.
In particular the AP181, represents the best fan we can find on the market. Exceptional build quality, excellent sleeved cable, and the presence of a small speed controller are the features that increase the AP181 value and nevertheless the price is not high at all.

You can find more information about this fan in the Silverstone web site:

Let’s take a look to their specifications and to the package.







We’ve tested the performance of the AP121 fans in our test lab, and as you will see the results are really interesting, especially the loudness and the static pressure. We decided to compare the temperatures obtained with a Thermalright TRUE Spirit 120 equipped either with two 120x25mm Prolimatech BlueVortex 120 fans or two Silverstone AP121, both in a Push/Pull configuration. The test system it’s the same we’ve used in our last reviews and the specifications can be found in the testing chapter.



If we take a look at the specification it’s clear that we are in front of a great fan since the static pressure compared to the overall noise level it’s amazing. Unfortunately, we must note that the Air Penetrator fans  are disadvantaged with high-spaced fins heatsinks, because they generally need a high flow rate (CFM) for better results. The Air Penetrator series are characterized by an excellent static pressure and low noise level but they are really deficient on the air flow side (only 35.36CFM), which is limited by the spiral filter. These fans are highly recommended with heatsinks that require high static pressure, with radiators with a close fin structure, or as chassis intake fans. Here you can see some pictures of the package, the bundle and the AP121 SilverStone fan:

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  10  11  12  13  14  15   16


It’s very interesting the presence of an Y-cable, with a 3-pin connection for two fans, and four excellent anti-vibration grommets.

This video will help you understanding the real potential and the characteristics of this new fan series by Silverstone:


In the next pages we’ll analyze other Silverstone innovative solutions for the heat dissipation. We’ll take a close look to the following models together with the technical characteristics of each chassis:
  • FT02         STACK EFFECT
  • RV03        STACK EFFECT
  • TJ09         VGA AIR DUCT

NOTE : Red marked chassis will also be part of a more detailed review, soon